Monday, May 03, 2010

Final Call for Paiute...?

I'm not sure of the actual status of certification of the EIR/EIS and the official go-ahead for the project, but it seems that they are taking public comments on the Final document. So, if you care about the Paiute and ever want to fish for it on its home field, send a letter supporting the project. Details below from Gary Marston:

There is an open public comment period to the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed restoration of Paiute cutthroat into Silver King Creek below Llewellyn Falls until May 10th 2010.

For more information:

To see the EIS: EIS

You can address your comments to:

Robert D. Williams, State Supervisor, by
U.S. mail at Nevada Fish and Wildlife Office, 1340 Financial Boulevard,
Suite 234, Reno, NV 89502; by telephone at (775) 861-6300 or by fax at
(775) 861-6301.

My Letter:

Robert D. Williams
State Supervisor
Nevada Fish and Wildlife Office
1340 Financial Boulevard, Suite 234
Reno, NV 89502

RE: Paiute Cutthroat Trout Restoration Project, Alpine County, California

Mr. Williams,

I am writing to express my support for the proposed implementation of the first and second recovery actions in the Paiute Cutthroat Trout Revised Recovery Plan. I have been fortunate enough to fish and camp along Silver King Creek three times (prior to its closure) and also fortunate enough to have caught three Paiute Cutthroat Trout that had come down Llewellyn Falls. Catching these fish was, in fact, the reason for my visit to the area. On these trips, each of which occurred over a weekend in late summer, I did not see another person on any part of Silver King Creek.

I am also aware of numerous other fisherman that have hiked into Llewellyn falls just for the rare opportunity to attempt to catch a Paiute Cutthroat Trout. As you may also be aware, there is a growing contingency of fisherman that share a desire to catch native trout in their native drainage as evidenced by the rapidly growing participation in programs like the California Heritage Trout Challenge and the Wyoming CuttSlam.

Implementing the Paiute Cutthroat Trout Restoration Project will create a unique opportunity for fisherman to enjoy catching this rare and remarkable fish. It will also result in increased public enjoyment of the Carson-Iceberg Wilderness area as well as increased tourism to Alpine County. Most importantly, however, implementing this recovery plan will protect this unique and endangered fish for future generations.


Dave B

Lower Sac Bow

This is why they refer to L. Sac bows as "footballs".